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Franggio 03-24-2012 09:10 PM

Well hello there :)
Well hello there fellow mudders.
Well as the forum says, introducing myself.

I'm a soon to be 30 years young mudder that has been mudding since I was 12. Stayed faithful all these years
to the same mud as well. Well different version of it at least.

Working as a builder on Chronicles 2(named Chonicles 2 in mud connector..stupid person made it )

Well we are a small community ranging between 10-20 active players and only me as a builder atm, but since I had like 8 years to build on this mud I can say with pride that damn it has tons of features and areas.
It's heavily occupied by Swedes thou. So the OK is flowing but my precious RP is diminishing but oh well a mud
isn't any better than the admins and players make it :) Can still force them to RP for some goodies :D
Anyway back to me, although I'm the head builder I feel like a beginner that is why I decided to join up here to see if it can get my imagination juices flowing :)


Imagination Juices

Odd Raven 03-25-2012 10:48 AM

Re: Well hello there :)
Good morning, Franggio!

I spend a lot of time building for my previous MUD - lots of fun and loving the creativity. I like to spend time outdoors for inspiration on things, whether it's for a story, building, character creation, et cetera. Welcome to TMS!

Newworlds 03-29-2012 10:44 PM

Re: Well hello there :)
Hello Franggio!

That is hilarious that the game was misnamed originally, but spelling is always an ongoing issue. Over a decade of Ateraan and I still get typos even in some areas that were made 10 years ago. 1000's of players and they all missed that typo by the river.:p

Anyways, welcome! It's great to see a long time MUDder around.

Franggio 03-30-2012 07:39 PM

Re: Well hello there :)
Thanks for the welcome :)

Yeah about the typos...I finally managed to get a hold of the file in our mud to see all old bug reports and typo fixes.
Where some reported 2001 that hadn't been fixed yet apparently. According to many players so checked it out
and there where over 1200 reported typos/bugs. Many which were false positives. And Bugs that wasn't bugs but spam and whine from a a single player deciding that since he "sucked" he was bugged :) Man how I remember why I just unloaded the plugin for bug reporting then ^^

Emeren 03-31-2012 04:05 AM

Re: Well hello there :)
Hey everyone,

My name is Emeren and just recently joined the forums. I'm a bit new to MUDs still as I first found out about them in 2010. I enjoy in-depth roleplaying MUDs as PK isn't one of my strong suits. I'm hoping to learn more about other various roleplaying MUDs, and learn a bit more about coding. The MUD I tried and continue to play is Imperian because of the high fantasy theme and original backstory. I'm also looking for a roleplaying Sci-Fi themed MUD.

Thanks for having me!

Achon 03-31-2012 10:41 PM

Re: Well hello there :)
Welcome Franggio and Emeren! I'm fairly new myself. :D

Newworlds 04-01-2012 10:08 AM

Re: Well hello there :)
Well hello there Emeron and Achon, welcome aboard too!

Emeron, to be honest I'm not sure there is a good "sci-fi" roleplaying game out there, at least not one that I know about, but I'll look and see.

Roiddog 04-22-2012 04:46 PM

Re: Well hello there :)
Star Conquest is a roleplaying sci-fi MOO. Lots to do there.

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