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kellan 03-28-2012 06:38 PM

Just curious
Not sure where this goes... but...

Are skotos games free or are they just a trial then pay or... what? :)

kellan 03-28-2012 07:09 PM

Re: Just curious
Nevermind... I found out on my own *sigh* 30 day trial. Sad. I am looking for a quality MUD that isn't pay for... anything... but not finding anything that I can stick with. Still playing 4D sometimes and that is fun but I'd love one with RP! I already play NWA and that one's fun too.. just wishing for something a lil different. Any suggestions anyone? I don't care if its classless or it can have classes... I like guilds... I'm not too picky, but, must have some RP

Realedazed 03-28-2012 08:56 PM

Re: Just curious
I just finished up a 30 day trial of the Skotos games. The Eternal City is actually free and Grendal's Revenge is going free to play soon. I don't know about the other games, though. In my opinion, IronClaw should be free to attract more players, plus a few other reasons I'll leave to another post.

You can also get an upgraded account for $12-15, I can't remember the exact pricing. But it gives you some advantages like storypoints or something and you have access to all of the games.. Sorry, I'm so vague or that part. I never cared for the perks.

kellan 03-28-2012 09:02 PM

Re: Just curious
Well that's cool. I was looking toward Eternal City to play anyway so I guess I will try it now! Thanks...

Darren Brimhall 03-28-2012 09:48 PM

Re: Just curious

Its 12.95 for the basic account, and about $5.00 or so more for the Prefered.

I hope Ironclaw does go free for play, as such a move will bring back players to hopefully get storyplots moving again. It would be understaing the facts to say we got clobbered by Star Wars:Old Republic, but we're not alone--according to another even World of Warcraft has taken a big hit by that game.

Good luck, and have fun. And maybe try Ironclaw out from time to time.

Darren Brimhall

Ghostcat 03-28-2012 11:15 PM

Re: Just curious
We haven't permanently lost any players to Star Wars... but our base is fairly small to begin with. (Only like 15 people at peak times)

Actually, if you want a quality free game, try out Unwritten Legends! RP enforced and the only people that stick around tend to like being social IC.

Unmatched quality in descriptions and lore too, in my opinion. Also, the Coders and Creative team are constantly thinking up new things for us!


IZDemon 03-29-2012 04:25 PM

Re: Just curious
In my opinion, if you're going to pay for a MUD the only one worth paying for is DragonRealms. RP is lacking but the game itself is pretty amazing. If you're looking for RP, you can find small pockets of players that do RP.

Realedazed 03-29-2012 08:07 PM

Re: Just curious
I agree. I did the trial of DR a while ago as well and a usually keep watch on that game. If I were to pay for a game, that would definitely be it, especially with the new stuff they are rolling out right now (ships, new exp system, crafting!)

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