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SISNAEK 06-22-2012 08:26 PM

Writer(s) Wanted!
Shattered Isles () is looking for talented writers to help with room descriptions, race, class, and religious lore, and history development.

Shattered Isles is an elemental-themed medieval/Fantasy MUD. The primary focus of the game is centered around the 6 religions of Fire, Earth, Water, Air, Light, and Shadow. This is a world with 5 large islands, and several smaller ones that encourage travel by sea. Think Game of Thrones meets Pirates of the Caribbean. The world is 400+ years removed from a world affecting event that left it in its current shattered state.

Story development began in 2008 with a staff of two inexperienced dreamers. In January 2012, Shattered Isles officially began Alpha testing with a staff of 7 including 2 coders, 2 writers, 2 designers, and 1 editor. We are currently developing a new combat system that is expected to be released around the first of September. We plan to open a new area of the world along with this, which is why we are in dire need of new writers. From there our target goal for Beta is Jan 2013, and with that we'll begin working on the 4 remaining islands of the world.

We operate with a heavily modified version of coffeemud, which is a java codebase. We have dedicated hosting for the game, database (mysql), website, and public forums along with all the essential pieces in place to ensure the longevity of this game. We have access to a gaming group of 200+ members, the vast majority following our progress and waiting for Beta to begin. Many of these gamers come from older games that have closed their doors in recent years, leaving them without an imaginative escape from reality.

Our largest need is room descriptions. We have the highest of standards for our writers. We provide training for our writing tools and preferred practices, but there is only so much we can teach. When it comes to writing room descriptions and game lore, you either have the ability or you don't. We're looking for individuals who can take ownership of their work and understand the basic principles of writing detailed room descriptions that enhance without forcing emotion.

In addition to creating new landscapes, history and lore, writers will have the opportunity to create game-enhancing characters (or actors as we call them). These characters help support role-play and drive world scenarios. Merchants, storytellers, city and government employees are just some of the possible options available.

If you are interested or would like more information, fill out our simple application at or email us at .

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