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Dovolente 11-12-2013 04:20 PM

Avendar: Got Spirit?
A couple of months ago, the Avendar staff released an intense fire scholar-mage revamp, changing what was one slightly bland class into 3 very different playing experiences.

We're pleased to announce that we've just done the same for spirit scholar-mages, but this time we've gone all-out, introducing some major new mechanics to support these changes!

Avendar now has a system of ley lines and founts throughout the world (influencing magic by the type and strength of the line or fount, and even the season). This supports the Weavedancer spirit scholars, who can use lines and founts in a variety of ways as they manipulate raw quintessence.

Avendar also now has an invisible world of haunting shades, ghosts, and wraiths that only rarely affect the living--until the intervention of the Silver Light spirit scholars, who can interact with these spirits in a variety of ways, both benign and deadly.

We still have the classic avatar-of-holy-power spirit scholars. But the new incarnation, Eternal Dawn spirit scholars, each choose 2 patron seraphim of the Convocation of the Nine, providing endless (almost!) variety for replay.

As with the fire update, we've added more dual class support as well, with each spirit scholar dual sphere receiving multiple new abilities. Spirit-Void scholars are now the masters of Dream and Nightmare. Spirit-Earth have special abilities fueled by the Stones of Power, the 10 ancient crystal artifacts that much of the wider conflict in Avendar centers around.

We're a small but well-established MUD community. We'd love to welcome some new players! It's an especially exciting time in our history with these new and sweeping developments--come give us a visit at!

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