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Caribee 03-01-2014 10:44 AM

Second Pass MUSH: A Pern Game
Looking for something to love? Come and check out Second Pass, a sane Pern MUSH with a cheerful, mature atmosphere and low-key, long-running plots. In our timeline, the level of technology has not yet decayed irretrievably, yet parts are wearing out and cannot be replaced, and fighting Thread distracts attention and resources away from science and industry. One of the last computers on the planet failed recently, and the last field of vital opium poppies was destroyed by a stray Thread burrow.

The deadly flu epidemic that just swept across Pern has left plenty of openings in our PC area, Xanadu Town. Its aftermath is bringing all kinds of changes, including hints of the feudal Pern of later novels. Play a high class citizen with an eye on wealth and power, or a beleaguered holder. Own a business or join the police! Be a lady (or gentleman) of the night! We'll work with you to create a character you'll love to play.

There's also change in the air for Xanadu's three wings of dragonriders. While one wingleader has tapped a bluerider as wingsecond, another has demoted his experienced greenriding 'second in favour of a young bronzerider. Is the chromatic revolution at hand? Nothing says love like a dragon, and two queens are due to rise soon. Second Pass has an easy-peasy Search process, or you can adopt or create an instarider of your very own.

Check out our logs and info at or log in at port 1234. If chargen isn't your cup of tea, we have fully written roster characters available, including demoted ex-wingsecond Fiona and shady cheesemaker Jens.

Drop in and see what we have to offer!


Ghostcat 03-01-2014 02:18 PM

Re: Second Pass MUSH: A Pern Game
It's rather unlikely that I'd have the time for it, but are there any fire lizard trainers?

Always liked them more than the dragons for some reason.

Caribee 03-01-2014 05:52 PM

Re: Second Pass MUSH: A Pern Game
We don't, but it sounds like a great concept! Second Pass has very loose activity requirements so if you do find some time, feel free to pop in!


Caribee 03-03-2014 03:49 PM

Second Pass MUSH: A Pern RPG
It's Easter time on Second Pass! Well, not really, but there sure are an awful lot of dragon eggs lying around. Gold Risabeth's clutch has just hatched, and gold Brenevath's clutch, still on the hatching sands, is a disaster waiting to happen with some of the weyrlings doomed to an early end. Hatchings on 2P are no-muss, no-fuss; to impress a dragon all you need to do is earn some XP through roleplay: for more info. Our hatching is in early May, and there's still time to sign up.

Second Pass offers a cheerful, mature atmosphere and inclusive, low-key, long-running plots. In addition to our upcoming hatching there are always opportunities for townspeople, business owners, college students, instariders and instaweyrlings, and if chargen isn't your thing, we have lots of pre-made characters available for adoption. The College at Xanadu Town is falling apart under a corrupt administration. Technology is failing all over the planet. And yes, we have Thread! Come join in the chaos!

Check out our info and logs at or log right on, either via the website or by pointing your favorite client to port 1234.


Caribee 04-13-2014 03:45 PM

Re: Second Pass MUSH: A Pern Game
It's Easter time on Second Pass! Well, not really, but there sure are an awful lot of dragon eggs lying around. Gold Risabeth's clutch has just hatched, and gold Brenevath's clutch, still on the hatching sands, is a disaster waiting to happen with some of the weyrlings doomed to an early end. Hatchings on 2P are no-muss, no-fuss; to impress a dragon all you need to do is earn some XP through roleplay: for more info. Our hatching is in early May, and there's still time to sign up.

Second Pass offers a cheerful, mature atmosphere and inclusive, low-key, long-running plots. In addition to our upcoming hatching there are always opportunities for townspeople, business owners, college students, instariders and instaweyrlings, and if chargen isn't your thing, we have lots of pre-made characters available for adoption. The College at Xanadu Town is falling apart under a corrupt administration. Technology is failing all over the planet. And yes, we have Thread! Come join in the chaos!

Check out our info and logs at or log right on, either via the website or by pointing your favorite client to port 1234.


Caribee 06-04-2014 04:23 PM

Re: Second Pass MUSH: A Pern Game
A gold dragon flew up so high,
And a bronze caught her up in the sky.
But he was her dad,
So the genes turned out bad
And a bunch of the weyrlings will die.

Our latest clutch of weyrling dragons suffer from a genetic defect that makes it dangerous and possibly fatal for them to go Between. Feel like offing a character in a dramatic fashion? Adopt a doomed weyrling! For more info, '+bbread 1/15' in-game.

The medicines that used to quell us
Are gone now, the medics all tell us.
Though we've opium seeds,
They won't meet all our needs
So we need to find out about fellis.

The last patch of opium poppies on Pern was destroyed by a Thread burrow. Though some of the seeds were salvaged, they won't be enough to create the painkillers so needed by Pern's medics. While the fellis plant itself has been found, we still need medics and botanists to unlock its potential.

The Town's College system is failing.
The administration is flailing.
Everyone's turning
To Crafters for learning
So now all the students are bailing.

As Xanadu College's higher-ups come under fire for mismanagement of funds, the College system is starting to collapse and the Craft structure associated with Pern in later passes is starting to emerge from the ruins. Play an ambitious crafter, a confused College student or a beleagured educator.

Second Pass MUSH is set four years into the (wait for it) second pass, and Thread is getting worse. Come join us at port 1234, or just log in right through our website at ! We're looking for townspeople, business owners, college students and dragonriders, and if chargen isn't your thing, we have lots of pre-made characters available for adoption. Previous knowledge of the Dragonriders of Pern theme is helpful but not necessary.

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