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aeonian 05-26-2017 09:29 PM

ConQUEST reopened
This post is half advertisement and half codebase announcment, so I hope I have the right subforum for it. Content is cross-posted from a mudconnect thread:

About 5-6 years ago, I ran a mud called ConQUEST. It was written on top of the NakedMud code base (which I also wrote, many years ago). It was a pretty swell mud, if I do say so myself. However, I did not really have the time to give it the development attention it required and I also did not want to give control of the mud to another person. I ended up closing the mud down.

I receive a handful of emails every year asking me if I can release the code and/or re-open the mud. I've been hesitant to release the code; I see this as my art project, and I don't want other people working on my art. I've since changed my views on this issue and plan on reopening ConQUEST, and likely releasing its code in the near future.

Some details about ConQUEST:
* The game's focuses are Hack 'n Slash, Crafting, and World Building.
* The game's equipment and economy is entirely player driven.
* Players can create their own dungeons and earn rewards for visiting/completing each other's dungeons.
* Make your own class out of a skill tree containing over 200 skills.
* A fairly original combat and levelling system. It's too detailed to explain here, so just come check it out.

I will be hosting and working on ConQUEST from now until Sept 1, 2017. During this time, I will primarily be working on improving two of the "end game" features of the mud: Player-made dungeons and guilds. On September 1, 2017, one of three things will happen:
1. If I finish the end game features of the mud, I will take on some minor help and continue hosting the mud indefinitely.
2. If I do not finish the end game features, I will pass administrative duties onto an interested and capable party and continue to provide hosting services for the mud.
3. If no interested and capable party exists, I will release the codebase publicly under a creative commons license. Pretty much all of the major modules (crafting, guilds, skills, shops, player dungeons) are plug-and-play compatible with the NakedMud codebase.

If you've never played or heard about ConQUEST before, I suggest you come check us out. If you used to be a player of ConQUEST a few years ago, I am sure we'll see you online soon.

ConQUEST : port 4000


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