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Orda 09-28-2002 01:01 AM


I have been a mudder for roughly 10 years or so. Been involved with the development of games for about 7-8 years of that time. I have only recently begun to explore the development (use of enviromental programming of data) in the past few months. Before this and even now, I am a pure idealist.

My intrest have been based on J.R.Tolkien and Lucas Arts entertainment since I was a youth. In the past 2 years I have grown to appericate sci-fi themes more than the classic styles of rpg. I suppose one can say that time does bring changes. I do enjoy communicating with a wide range of people, but do not like to get involved with those whom are overly egostical, prude or to proud to admit to their own flaws as we all have some).

Recently, I have been working with a crew of 2 C/C++ prgrommers whom have been involved with database manipulation longer than I have. I have a friend whom has developed a game which is and will be a stand-out mud once people begin to respect his coding. I however do not wish to get involed with his game except for playing it, as I have my own project. The name of his game is "The Last Hidden Realm". He has a lot of really nice addtions for players and for builders to use for design and functionalty sakes. His project has been under development for about 6-7 yrs.As for the game me and some other friends are developing, well le';s just say we could always use another programmer whom is looking for a hobby. Btw, I really didn't mean any of this to sound as a ad, I just wanted to let you all know a little about me.

i really enjoy electronic music (techno,drumNbass,trance, house,gabber, etc.) but however enjoy many other forms also. I generally try to keep an open-mind when being introduced to new people.

Blah blah blah...I could go on and on about who I am and what I enjoy, but at the end of the day, I just wanted to make a formal introduction.

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