Thread: Enough
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Old 05-11-2002, 09:52 AM   #31
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: California, USA
Posts: 67
Kyandra is on a distinguished road
Isn't censoring a thread on censorship the ultimate form of the latter. Thank you for your kind words. At the risk of being banned from these forums (and if I am right at the moment I would say no serious loss) I would like to start a referendum for the resignation of the censor. (Maybe that should be the poll).

Maybe I need to repeat a little of what I said before, in my censored thread. Take serious mud discussions to the serious parts of the form. This one is for being silly and having fun and, I will add, should be run by someone who has not forgotten what fun is.

I see many of you young players who are so darned (I really wanted to use a stronger word here, read it in yourselves) serious about it all that you have forgotten that above all else (Unless you own evercrack and are making money at it) that a mud is a GAME that we are supposed to be playing for FUN and ENJOYMENT.

Take away the fun
Take away the goofyiness
Take away the laughter
Take away the community each (larger) mud has

What do you have left -- nothing working PLAYing.

Take away the fun, the goofyiness, the humor, the sense of community the silliness here has and what do you have left?

A group of mudders who will go elsewhere, leaving this place so much poorer for their loss. Because they are not the newbie inexperienced players. They are the ones who (while you may not always believe it) care.

ps -- thank you Molly
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