Thread: God Wars II
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Old 01-26-2006, 05:11 PM   #7
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Join Date: Jul 2004
Posts: 13
Amaranthe is on a distinguished road
First I will say, no matter which MUD you play, do not be too quick to judge. I understand that it's tempting to do so, given the piles of cruddy MUDs out there. But the gems have more to them than is apparent at first glance.

Beyond that, if you are interested in a more detailed explaination of the customization options available in the Carrion Fields, read on:

Our approach is that we have lots of customization for most of our classes, and we also take the approach that no class should customize exactly the same way. (Unlike Diablo, where each class, while it can be customized quite a bit, is identifcal in that it has 3 power sets and a very consistent system of 'paths'. The powers are different, but the system is the same for each class.)

On Carrion Fields, each class is designed as an individual case with unique customization options to fit the flavor of the class as well as to create a truly novel experience each time you play a new character.

- Our invoker learns basic spells on a listing similar to what you describe, but if you look deeper, you will see that an invoker can balance his affinity for 7 different elemental paths in virtually countless ways, with each pathway unlocking different spells.

- Our warrior class can chose any 2 of 7 weapon specializations, each of which unlocks new skills. Beyond that, high level warriors can chose 2 of 36 legacies, each of which complements warriors in a different way depending on race, weapon specialization, and more.

- Our bard class allows for the switching between 4 different repertoire choices that applies to each one of his existing songs on his list, allowing a bard to perform songs to varying aesthetic and functional effect. Additionally, a bard can choose a preferred repertoire choice in which he excels, as well as chosing instruments that affect different repertoires in different ways.

- Our paladin class allows you to choose to specialize bewteen two-handed or one-handed weapon styles. In addition to that choice, the immortal deity who empowers your paladin chooses additional 1-3 sets of powers from a selection of 6. As a twist, these are chosen for you by staff members based on your roleplaying and success with the character.

- Our thief class, beyond his basic skillset, earns his way into lessons with 5 distinctly different thief guilds. This is similar to Diablo style, in that he can spread himself thin or focus all the way.

And more.

It is true that some of our classes are more homogenous than others - some of that is by design (some players may prefer a homogenous option on occasion), and some of it is that we're constantly hatching up new ways to to make our classes more unique and interesting than the last.
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