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Old 09-01-2004, 05:50 AM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Sweden of course!
Posts: 39
mikosevaar is on a distinguished road

Welcome to The Broken World. The lands of Everywhere and Anywhere. The Time of Soon.

This is the age of the apocalypse. It is the final age of mankind. The world is going straight to ####, mankind is dying and no one cares. Everybody is too busy killing their neighbours for food, religion and every other ****ty excuse they can come up with.

We are being killed. Not by aliens. Not by some sinister fiends. Mankind is dying and has only itself to blame. War. Pollution. Plague. Everything.

Man have one hundred twenty days to live. After that, the end. The final end. No more friends or enemies. No more love or hate. No more hope or despair. Only cockroaches. The End. The time for equality. When we are all blackend corpses, our money, power and prestige wont make a difference anymore. Maggots treat everybody the same. Goodbye humanity. Stay where you are. We don't want you back.

The Broken World is a varied and interesting mud, with players from all around the world. Though post apoka in setting, the concept is creative and allow a lot of playing around with ideas. The mud feature 500 mortal levels and a number of 'guilds'. and quests. The world suits all sorts of players, be they questers, chatters, pkers (optional), powergamers or wizards. The quests are fun and logical, the 'guilds' are of various difficulty and complexity. There is a lot to explore and the atmosphere is very friendly and helpful.

The game is still small and the players are currently few, but what we got is of good quality and the players enjoy themselves. The wizards are friendly and each of them work on things they like and in a pace they have set out themselves. Fun and an stressless wizard environment is one of the corner stones. Another is our zero tolerance regarding any kind of abuse or harassment. All in all, this have worked out well this far.

We use the LDmud driver and our own mudlib with many specials. In the end, we do not strive to have the worlds largest mud, but rather a mud that we love and can honestly call our dream mud.

With all said and done, the Broken World is an rather young mud compared with many of the old mud giants out there, but we like to think that we have found our own niche.

So why not connect and try us? Join our community and help create a world.

telnet 3000
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