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Old 10-27-2003, 09:07 AM   #1
New Member
Join Date: Jan 2003
Posts: 19
Leeandra is on a distinguished road

I am currently seeking individuals interested in filling positions as Theme Writers, Questors and RP Enforcers. These individuals are needed to aid me and the rest of my department in completion of several writings associated with the Theme of our ROM MUD, as well as to run quests and enforce RP. Our MUD is a Political Fantasy and is strictly RP. It has been in progress since June of 1999, and is nearing completion. We have a very friendly, energetic, and hard-working staff. Experience is not necessary.

Qualities I'm looking for:
1. Good writing/grammar skills
2. Creativity
3. Responsibility
4. Dedication
*5. A lot of time on your hands (at least ONE hour a day, excluding weekends)
**6. Must NOT be a part of another MUD's staff
*7. Must be at least 16 years of age

If interested in applying for one of the positions, or for questions or more information, please email me and include why you would be interested and a list of TIMES when you would be available to meet for an interview (EST).

Leeandra, Theme Mistress
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