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Old 12-29-2003, 06:33 PM   #1
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Join Date: Dec 2003
Location: Denve, CO
Posts: 1
Xandar is on a distinguished road
Dragonlance, Age of Mortals, () is a game that has been under development for a few short months.  Our current staff has been beseiged by RL commitments and have been unable to keep to the deadlines that we had initially designed.  Accordingly, we are looking for assistance!

We are a Rhost roleplaying enforced environment.   From a coding, building and playing perspective, this environment draws from PennMUSH, TinyMUSH, and TinyMUX.  Those that are familiar with any of the prior three platforms will be easily able to convert their skills with very few glitches.  

Our staff are mature adults with nearly all being in the work force (i.e. almost no college students and, I believe, no high school students).  The average age on the game is currently around 25-27.  I mention this because we are looking for those that feel that they would bring a similar level of maturity and experience to the game.  We, however, will NOT turn down applicants based on age or experience.  Everyone must start somewhere and, as long as one carries oneself with maturity, tact, and professionalism, we are willing to train you.

Our primary need on staff is currently for those that know MUSH (whether it be TinyMUSH, TinyMUX, PennMUSH or Rhost) code and are willing to work on detailed projects.  We also have need for those willing to build and develop the grid.  As of this time, we have one spot open for a writer who is willing to develop detailed theme files along with the head administrator of the game.

In the near future (as we approach the first stages of testing and opening to small aspects of the public), we will have need for roleplaying staff (Dungeon Masters), character developers (for our pregenerated character roster -- basically those creating backgrounds, personalities, and character +sheets), and play testers for the game itself.

If you are interested, please email  We will forward a brief questionaire back to you and we'll figure out possible opportunities for both of us!  You can visit our website at

Thank you,
Kiri-Jolith (aka Xandar@Many Places, aka Asmodeus@Treyvan, aka Eclipse@Shadowrun Seattle, aka Stranger@Shadowrun Detroit, aka Destruction@Balance MUSH)
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