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Old 01-19-2005, 02:11 PM   #34
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 36
Pleos is on a distinguished road
Personally, I'm jealous.

Anyone that can make money doing something they love is one step ahead of most people. And for many, turning a hobby into a money making job is a dream come true. While most use hobbies as a way of escaping the dreariness of their full-time jobs (or whatever it is they do), I think merging the two - your hobby and money making - is genius.

Making money off MUDs is no easy feat, and if someone can do that more power to them. People make money of all kinds of things. And there's many worse ways of making money - people benefit from wars or tsunamis and they do so eagerly and willingly. Iron Realms makes money off games, it's really neither a big deal or a bad thing.

If someone is willing to pay to play a MUD, so be it. People pay for all sorts of things, some of which I think are worthwhile, some of which I don't think are worthwhile. But it's their choice. A service or product exists, and each person gets to choose whether they wish to purchase said service or product or not. That's the beauty of our system of choice.

Traithe, I don't know you whatsoever, and I've never played SoI, and the_logos, I don't know you either, and I've never played any of your games - but congratz to both of you for turning a hobby you clearly love dearly into a business.

If I had the time, means and assorted other requirements to make a successful pay-to-play MUD (one based on a style and design that I'd want), I'd be on it like peanut butter sticks to the roof of your mouth. So I'm jealous, and truthfully, I think a lot of others are as well.

Bottomline, good luck to you Traithe. Go forth and earn some money - eventually most of us have to (or we're stuck already doing it, depending on how you look at it). *smile*

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