Thread: $ Info, le Poll
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Old 10-14-2002, 12:08 PM   #61
Posts: n/a

I got a little bent at your original reply as well, as it did read to myself as a flame.

I didn't post this as a poll to say "hey, let's bring this to Syn as a petition for what we want", I did so to see how the non-vocal people were thinking on the subject. Polls are nice to see how the people who wish to remain somewhat anonymous are thinking. Perhaps I should have posted it in another forum. Sorry. Admittedly, I'm not as well versed in the forum's ettiquette as most. You might have noticed I'm not generally rabid on discussions by the limited number of posts I have chalked up under my name - which has probably tripled from what it was due to this topic.

And Dulan, you do seem to fly off the handle rather easily. I'm sorry. And yes, I know I'm one to talk with my reaction to being called "thickheaded". I look back on that and wish I could editdelete the whole acknowledgement of the *sigh* "interpretted" insult.

But on to topic, I'm still failing to see why some people's opinion on one almighty thing (p2p) is so much more important than any other factor differentiating MU*s that it needs to be iconed on the ranking page to the exclusion of all other factors.

Now, the "why" in the question is mostly rhetorical. I think that is a point many people are missing. I have read all the reasons folks have pointed forward, but those all seem more for a debate on "why p2p MU*s are evil incarnate and shouldn't be allowed here". For whatever reasons, not all people agree with that and have other things they think are important and would like to take precedence.

Want a real fun solution? Put a bar at the bottom of every MU* on the ranking list that you can have list all the icons of things everyone votes are important and make it that in your Control Panel you can CONFIGURE what shows up! Huh, huh? So for some only $$ will appear, for others daggers or masks appear.
Syn, got an extra year?

Why shouldn't _just_ a $ be put on the rankings list? Because if you don't really care that a MU* is p2p (moi), it just looks tacky as hell.

And I don't think it is because I'm thickheaded.
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