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Old 08-25-2007, 08:32 AM   #78
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 153
cratylus is an unknown quantity at this point
Re: What does "Free" Mean?

matt/sarapis/the_logos/whatever wrote:
Personally I couldn't care less if this gets added, if
this is what people want. And this is what is so important,
and why (I presume) Lasher takes the payment stuff seriously.

Wanting specifics on mud payment isn't the petulant
sulking of one person. It's the general consensus of
people who do not run commercial muds (AFAICT), which
is the vast majority of the mudding community.

The difference between the "who's in charge" spec and
the "payment type" spec is that yours is just you,
trying to make a point. The other is something
people have been talking about, debating and asking
for years, and Lasher represents the hope that maybe
the community's preferences will trump your
commercial interests.

It sounds to me like it's all over but for the
screaming, and I do hope you simmer down soon,
because regardless of my personal opinion of you,
you are a leader in the community and your
tantrums are betraying a lack of sportsmanship
and an excess of petty spite that we can all
do without.

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