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Old 03-11-2003, 06:31 PM   #9
Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Bay Area, CA, USA
Posts: 39
angelbob is on a distinguished road
First, I note that you're using a complex structure where you should be using an int. Passing a pointer to a structure with a single int makes for ugly C, passing a reference to a structure with an int makes for ugly C++, and passing an int around is pretty clean -- and identical in either language. But I'd say both are quite ugly, and both are about equally ugly, but it's very slightly more obvious what the C version is doing.

Second, by talking about how MUDs are an obvious place to use object-oriented programming I'm assuming you're talking about the objects themselves (like, "physical" in-game objects). I'm with the Skotos folks on this -- data inheritance is appropriate, code inheritance not so much so. Code inheritance is the only kind that C++ provides.

Third, if you're talking about inheritance in the "physical" in-game objects, then you're talking about doing it dynamically if you have any OLC facilities. Any modern MUD does. Unless you recompile on the fly (like DGD does -- I'm actually serious, although C++ isn't a good language for this, nor is C), you're going to have to build your own stuff. So you're back to implementing all your own data inheritance.

I agree that there are a couple of specific instances where C++'s version of OO is cleaner than doing the same thing in C. User interface code (windowing and whatnot) is the only place I've seen where it's consistently true. And yet GTK+, the windowing toolkit for GNOME, uses C instead of C++. Why? Because C++ is incompatible between compilers, doesn't link object code between multiple compilers, has the usual fragile base class problems and can't inherit and runtime. The fully inheritance-based solution used by GTK+ is done in C and built out of macros. Unlike the C++ solution, it links to a variety of languages, allows implementation of new widgets in a variety of languages, doesn't require RTTI (which doesn't link between different C++ compilers) and works quite happily if you add new stuff at runtime.

Fourth: your C solution above is attempting to do operator overloading in C. That's its primary problem. You can do what you're doing relatively cleanly in C, but you can't make it look like C++. Why would you want it to look like C++?
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