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Old 09-02-2007, 04:00 PM   #322
Join Date: Feb 2003
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Posts: 60
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Re: What does "Free" Mean?

I read your post, which is effectively a nine-/ten-/whathaveyou-option approach. I would have no problem with more finely delineated options if they were clear and meaningfully distinct. The implementation you propose doesn't yet meet that criteria, particularly since it is possible to select more than one choice from among some mutually exclusive choices.

Some other issues include:
What's the distinction between these two categories? If a donation is required, doesn't it, by definition, become a subscription/registration fee?

What constitutes encouraged? Trying to distinguish between donations which are encouraged vs. those which are merely requested would be even more vague than trying to distinguish between in-game rewards which influence competition and those which are supposedly only cosmetic.

Again, what's the meaningful distinction between these categories? Is there supposed to be some criteria which distinguishes between voluntary payments which are registration fees and voluntary payments which are donations?
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