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Old 06-08-2003, 07:31 AM   #36
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Join Date: Dec 2002
Location: Denmark
Posts: 6
Garfarel is on a distinguished road

Maybe the "going to the moon" approach is not that bad of an example of how to fool
a person into believing something is "real" some people actually think the whole thing
was a scam made by the us government. Without putting my foot in one camp saying it
was or not, just think for second, what if? To make such a scene you would need full
control of what is going on I suppose a coder would have that set of tools to control
the outcome of most actions and behaviours made by a player. Commands are easy as you
know what they do, but as someone else talked about speech is pretty hard to control
as it has pretty much the freedom to be anything. So maybe the first thing to-do is to
divide speech into several types of groups, like questions, demands, answers...etc
putting it into a category would at least give an idea what the player wants. Socials
are a good example how this could work, like 'beckon' ($n beckons for you to follow.)
we could then set up different rules for how the NPC would react upon such an request
like if it’s already in a group, is it a shopkeeper or maybe it has other tasks and would
decline. The basic is to know what the player wants, like if you don’t know the question
it's hard to give a correct answer. For two intelligent creatures to have a conversation
they need to understand each other, or else communication would be pretty hard. Some
animals may be taught to perform certain actions and will get rewarded with food if they
do it right, a mob could have the same guidelines to right and wrong and could learn
from mistakes based on behavior and actions from players or even other mobs. It's pretty
basic actually, but how to do it may be more compliacted. So telling the world they have
been on the moon, might be more easy than going there.

Intelligence is not speech itself, more like a scrap yard of used words that put
together right will make no sense at all.
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