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Old 09-09-2009, 05:27 AM   #11
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Re: New mud client in the works: ScapeFx

Well, honestly i do not see that the reduced license cost of 350 should be a problem to any semi-established free mud. You should be able to accept donations to pay for the license fee no matter what mud codebase you are using. They are donating for the client, not to run their game. (I'm sure this is up for debate though :P).

This sums up to a playerbase of 35 people paying 10 dollars each to play the mud using the client for 1 year. "Normal" fees to play a game is what? 10 dollars per month?

We're not really targetting our product to muds that cannot pay this low fee. Any mud admin that thinks 350 is so high they cannot pay it (even with donations from players that are going to use it) is not the customer base we are aiming our product at. Usually you are not a solo admin running your mud, but a bunch of people that together can finance this. Of course, I realize 90% of muds probably fall into this category, hell, 90% probably doesn't even have 35 players... but these are not our future customers (probably).

Our intention is not to put a custom client codebase into every startup mud out there. It is for the ones that actually have a backend of either lots of players or people with decent economy. Or those that wish to create a kickass commercial game with a nice looking graphical client. (As a side note we will probably in the near future realese a java based game engine codebase as well for licensing).
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