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Old 11-14-2002, 12:16 AM   #2
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Join Date: Aug 2002
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Home MUD: Scourge of Time
Posts: 89
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First I would find out the code base of the mud or muds that are closest to what you are looking for. If you have never programmed before, you probably don't want to start from scratch. I think most code bases are in C or maybe C++ but I don't really know as I've only coded ROM muds. If you are currently in college you may be in luck because there may be an introductory course in the language you need to learn. I haven't looked in awhile, but there may have been a couple of coding links on
Once you have some basic understanding of coding I would try to befriend an IMP on a mud that will give you pointers on running your mud. I recommend on running in on your home computer first unless you have access to a *NIX machine where you are allowed to run a mud on since a builder MUD account seems to go for about 10-20 bucks a month. One you have figured out how to run the mud, I would spend a few months making minor changes to get a feel to where different functions are and where the things you probably shouldn't mess with are. I recommend spending the money for a reference book in the language you code in, I program for a living and I still whip out my old C book once in a while.
If it ever becomes too overwhelming, remember that you wouldn't be the first IMP to have someone code for you.
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