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Old 08-01-2011, 05:25 PM   #68
Darren Brimhall
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 243
Darren Brimhall is on a distinguished road
Re: Let's try this again...RP MUD

My impression is that when you get that "right" plot happening in Castle Marrach the game is amazing. And much of the rest of the time you are really just marking time and waiting for things to happen. (Which is why it's a pity more players there aren't proactive about making things happen.)

Waiting around is a sad fact.

A lot of people tried doing this there, including myself. And were told 'No' in a wide veriety of ways.

Its a matter of two things; Harddrive space on the Server and popularity with Staff. One they can get buy removing the less popular Games, but the other is just about insermountable.

They have a system set up, I was told, especially for Magic. But for some reason, they wont use it.

That's the way it was when I left, almost ten years after starting out as a Beta Tester there. In December of 2010, they stll hadn't gotten it going.

Who know what they're doing now.

Darren Brimhall
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