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Old 08-26-2004, 12:28 PM   #101
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Join Date: Aug 2004
Posts: 13
Dask is on a distinguished road
One other thing, you guys are missing the point....

She didn't lose credits. She lost LESSONS she chose to BUY with credits. She could of spent those lessons on, say...a plinth, that only Druids can use.

If I chose to buy, say, an artifact sword (which can only be bought with credits), and then I decide I want to be something else, say...a Priest, which can't use the sword. The sword suddenly loses value, but I have *not lost* a single credit.

Suppose I decided to buy lessons with credits, then gambled them all away on one big spin of the roulette wheel. Did the game steal my credits? No, because I still got what I paid for, the lessons, It's just that they're gone because of a decision I made.

Kimberly made the decision to not obey her guild rules. She got outguilded. She didn't lose her credits, just what she chose to buy with them, because of a decision she made. If she had done what her GM had told her to do, she wouldn't off been kicked out. But she was. End of Story.
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