Thread: Autoquests
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Old 01-22-2010, 05:47 PM   #9
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Re: Autoquests

On Dragon's Exodus we have two types of quests.

We have static quests which are, obviously, static and can be performed
either once or a set number of times for x amount of exp and gold.

To earn quest points, you actually need to go to the autoquestor.

Explanation for the motives of the Questmasters vary. Their stated
objective is to punish the criminals of the realms for their crimes-
ranging from murder, theft, counterfeiting and smaller crimes like of
all things, cockfighting. Some have questioned the need to impose the
death penalty for some of the crimes. Others have expressed concern
about the fact that a group of criminals continue their crimes despite
being repeatedly apprehended. It is, however, likewise whispered that
they may have connections with organized crime and use the pretext
of sending people on a quest to liquidate a person they do not like.
They are generally treated with distrust and are known to be somewhat
erratic in their rewards ranging from being extremely generous to
being unbelievably stingy.

There are four different Questmasters with four different sets of items which
can be purchased from them; though exp, build points and practice points can
be purchased from all of them. Currently, to boost the economy, and to
cause a breakdown in the Questmaster friendship story-line when I write that up,
players can only purchase items from their own cities Questmaster.

Of course, we also have immortal run games and contests in which
the players can earn quest points, practice sessions, gold, experience and
so forth. For some strange reason they love hunting and killing the lovable
Fruff Monsters I created. (Imagine a Koala Bear with purple and cyan hued

I love Kavir's mention of scripted villages that can be used for storyline
purposes. I'd have loved if, when I was a player, I could actually have
formed a posse of players to save a town from a horde of crazed orcs, or
being the ones to pillage the village. As a builder, and not a coder, I obviously
have no idea what it would take to code in that function with our code.
However, it does sound like a novel approach to immortal, and player-suggested,
role-play events.
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