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Old 08-03-2010, 04:26 PM   #12
Posts: n/a
Re: Troublesome Aspects

Strangely enough, we only recently added in a change that would allow ghouls to receive health benefits when eating the corpses of fallen foes. It's based upon the level of the mob/player and the players constitution to determine how much health they receive. Of course, you eat two corpses and you are "full" no matter what your HP is.

What I love is the economic responsibilities of storing your eq.

Your character can have only so much weight in their inventory. If you want to horde special items you store it at the banks that are in your clan halls and various cities. This is how the storage formula works out:

To find the cost of storing the item:
You can store a maximum of 150 items.
Storing an item will cost you 4 copper * number of items.

IE if you have 4 items in storage already, it will cost
you 20 copper to store the 5th.

You can store bags etc with items in them and this will
count as one item only, however, the storage cost will
be multiplied by the number of items in the bag.

Example: You have 4 items in storage, storing the next
item will cost you 20 copper. However, you are storing
a bag that contains 10 items. It will cost you 200 copper
to store this item. 20 x 10 = 200

The above works out good for the players as the banks only charge you copper so you never have to worry about running out of money.

To me, the hunger and thirst prompts never bothered me on this game as there wasn't much of a penalty as you couldn't die from it. You lose a bit of hp per tick and it affected your hp/mana gain. To many of us players that didn't bother us. Drink from a fountain, eat the heart of your enemy. boom. Nothing more needed to be done. In my view point, if you're going to add a hunger and thirst affect, there should be dire circumstances so you actually do need to eat and drink. Otherwise its a waste of time to have to see those prompts come up every few moments. I so love gag.
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