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Old 07-26-2002, 05:37 PM   #11
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 16
Saren is on a distinguished road
I think it's very difficult to discover if someone is trustworthy or not from a simple interview or two.

However, to discover if they can code, in my experience, asking a basic coding question filters out 95% of the riff-raff... For example, on the last mud I worked with, literally only 2 out of 15 applicants knew the correct answer to the following VERY basic debugging question:

Why does this cause a crash?

char string[4];
strcpy(string, "1234");

Another good one is asking the applicants how to get a crash dump from GDB, given a core file.  Only -one- of the 15 applicants got this, and knowing how to use your system's debugger is such a critical skill for a mud developer.  
The same one was also the only one who knew the command line syntax to compile a c file.  I kid you not.

I should mention that all of the applicants could talk a good game, and just chatting with them about design issues, etc wouldn't have turned up their serious deficiencies in programming skill.

Of course, being a programmer myself, it is perhaps easier for me to spot these sorts of deficiencies, but having -any- programming knowledge whatsoever is often enough to seperate the wheat from the chaff.

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