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Old 02-16-2006, 01:09 AM   #76
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While the theme of this thread seems to be, yet again, attack IRE and the Pay-for-perks model they use, I'm not going to jump on either side. I just have a simple question:

How many of you, that speak so strongly about how much money does or does not effect the game play, have actually played those games for any extended period of time? How many of you have taken the time to see(in the case of IRE games) how hard it really is to get those credits without money? I have a strange feeling, none.

If you haven't played the games, you can't claim to know how much these things effect game play. Therefore how can you claim to be speaking with players in mind, when you don't know how they feel? The only person in here that has said they are a player, didn't have a problem with the way things are... What are your real motives?
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