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Old 09-05-2007, 11:29 AM   #13
Posts: n/a
Re: The Importance of Art

Suddenly occurred to me that really, no one needs to go hunting for artists to outsource visual work. There's a pool of talent sitting right in the MUDding community, one which I believe is only partly tapped because the artists out there only work for their home MUDs, if at all. There are the players who link their sites to the MUD; why not take it a step further and offer them in-game rewards for contributing art revolving around the MUD's theme, etc? I'm a bit of a proponent of that feeling of attachment, and I believe that nothing will propagate that feeling more than having some of your own work up there, a visible contribution. (I have done this on my home MUD by getting players to build their own guildhouses or other areas they suggested, and some real gems came out of it - plus those players stuck around.) And aside from players, some of the staff out there might have hidden talents - never know till you prod!

(Now I know this has probably been suggested, said and done before, but hey, it's worth rehashing.)

Midnight madness suggestion: I propose someone start a thread on the appropriate board for all available artists to advertise their services, stuff and abilities, or for people wanting artists to put up requests (like the staff-wanted board.) Yes, there is an important place for art in MUDding! (And for music, dance, theatre and the like, but that's getting off topic though I'll cheerfully spout for anyone who wants to discuss.)

Don't fan my ego too much, it might pop
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