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Old 04-27-2008, 01:38 PM   #9
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Join Date: Nov 2004
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Wish is on a distinguished road
Re: Properly Utilizing Builder Creativity


On TempusMUD the universe is divided up into three distinct planes, the past, future, and outer planes. An overview of basic themes and a general storyline direction of each plane is written on our imm wiki website.

When builders create proposals for new zones in a plane, the proposals describe where and how their zone fits into the plane, and the variety of connections it has with the other zones. Along with discussions with the plane's architect, this overview provides the general direction the zones in the plane should help move along, without limiting the creativity involved in defining that process.

If a builder is itching to create a "great and extremely creative" area that doesn't fit into the multifaceted Tempus theme, we sometimes use that area as a special place beyond the connected universe for special quests to mix things up.

With the variety of themes we use, I've yet to have a builder express a stifling of creativity. I think if that does happen, it would probably be the fault of us in the administration not being clever enough to inspire the builder, or help him or her find a project flexible enough for the builder's needs, and suitable enough for the mud.



Last edited by Wish : 04-27-2008 at 10:00 PM. Reason: spelling error
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