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Old 07-08-2002, 06:27 PM   #16
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Posts: 7
Curuthol_Lasgalen is on a distinguished road
An interesting RP situation would be a Paladin, so devoted to his/her god, that, though they start out perfectly law abiding, and may even go to a position of power within the game world, they could do several things:

a) be seduced by an evil character (like a sorcerer) into following another god, although you couldn't change the paladin's alignment, you could kill people in the name of your false god. Which is a perfect segue into...

b) Kill or refuse the duties of your station in the name of your god. Perhaps a paladin who is hired by a noble to be a guard refuses because the noble's secular views don't add up with the paladin's religious views.

c) Become a pasifist prophet, have a "vision" then through down your weapons and start making weird prophecies, kind of like the "Invalid at the fountain" idea.

There are so many roleplay possibilities, ahhhh, RP, fruit of Eru
Curuthol Lasgalen, Aran Arda
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