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Old 10-21-2003, 12:46 AM   #110
The Vorpal Tribble
Join Date: Apr 2002
Posts: 203
The Vorpal Tribble is on a distinguished road
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[chat] Brainiac: maybe herds of spamalopes.

[chat] Absent: arghhh! soilent jello is made from people!

[chat] Pyromastaforeva: ... bears don't jump around wielding pocket knives do they?

[chat] Xotl: err, tell him this:  May the bird of paradise fly up his nose, may
the winds of change be always blowing out his back, and may The glowy things of
the world flash on and off as he passes by them.

[chat] Tempus: dont take the wicked dagger name in vein!

[chat] Xotl: Do I have to sacrifice a first born or anything like that?

[chat] Absent: they still have the 'I'll be mohnkee's uncle' in sayings.

[chat] Xyrec: it's magikarp, and magikarp doesn't have the watergun attack.
[chat] Xyrec: omg.....i can't believe I just said that.

[chat] Eagleon: "The smurf amplifier registry records and submits smurf waves
to the general public for review. The smurf waves that are chosen are then
amplified greatly, and sent to the pentagon for final distribution. These huge
smurfs are traded for natural resources extracted from developing countries."

[chat] Tempus: its like.. "OH NO hes pulled the pikachu card, I need to use the magic potato to save my grandads soul!!"

[chat] Jera: Glenn has a msg for you, Xotl. You want it?
[chat] Xotl: is it full of profanity?
[chat] Jera: Uhm. Part of it is, but it's sort of a compliment.

[chat] Malcom: Yup, my wife is pregnant. I hope its a mysrra!

[chat] Tempus: and how old is this girl that beat you up then luc?
[chat] Luc: Oh, twenty or so, judging by general appearance.  I've never asked.
[chat] Tempus: that wouldnt make her a girl.. tsk.
[chat] Vorpaltribble: Crap, I'm 20 to. When do i get to be a woman?
[chat] Zinnia: LOL!
[chat] Tempus: when you meet a nice young man and settle down?

[chat] Tempus chuckles at the name bramen.
[chat] Luc: If you make a joke about brassiere men, I'll bloody well kill you.
[chat] Tempus: nothing luc, I said nothing, just that I offer all bra men my
support... if they dont get enough that is.
[chat] Luc: Grr.

[chat] Ratzo: Actually Alice, I find pain amusing because I don't feel it as much as you would, or most anyone else.
[chat] Ratzo: Very high tolerance, and a slight condition of having less than normal amount of pain receptors in my skin and body.
[chat] Ratzo: I don't like pain. I just don't mind it, nor cringe from it.
[chat] Tempus: Ratzo, do you find your passed over by girls with the excuse "sorry, your just not sensitive enough"?

[chat] Ccomplex yells woo-hoo mongrels and waves a flag around.

[chat] Namir will go ask the Bouncing Lantern about it.

[chat] Luc: Must be the latter.  Probably a mutation of Dread Enter-Key

[newbie] Mickey: ok.
[newbie] Mickey: thanks, i fingered it out.

[chat] Kuzman: Is headless chatter better or worse than mindless chatter?

[chat] Perinn: When a mommy mud and a daddy mud fall in love with each other...they tend to do certain...programming. With their programming comes out a brand new baby mud in which other mudders can code and build into, making the baby mud into a neuter adult mud...

[chat] Luc: Vegetarian zombie:  "Graaaains..."

[chat] Vantina: holy lag batman.

[chat] Zinnia wonders how in the world people determine how to determine their
foot personality.

[chat] Namir: None of the creators like to be poked, prodded, snuggled, hugged, clutched, clinged, or otherwise touched by me.

[chat] Eagleon opens his mass back into his original form.
[chat] Vorpaltribble: that sounded... odd, Eagleon.

[chat] Spublofe: "Underneath his lust for vengance, he's a pussycat."

[chat] Alice: getting drunk and playing al is a bit like just set your fingers to press enter while your mind goes off to play with the tree faeries.

[chat] Vantina: The 2 most common elements in the universe are hydrogen and stupidity.

[chat] Loseph: something just blew up in the neighborhood...that can't be good.

[chat] Xotl: aren't you a brain in a jar?
[chat] Xotl increases the formaldehyde content of the jar.

[chat] Loseph: I want to see a movie about vampires, not some immortal humans
that have fangs.

[chat] Eagleon: A sell-sword was singing of sailors one day, and he with delight happened to say, "I, Galophinsky Dry Bagle the Third, know nothing of sailors, but all about <drink rhyme here>"

[chat] Crimson: Then we'd have to kill them to death and murder them fatally.

[chat] Luc: Excrement also used for tanning leather for a long time; you
players have it easy.

[chat] Brainiac: actually just sitting on an aluminum cookie sheet.

[chat] Kaiva doesn't see how being called a dog when you aren't is different
from being called a female when you aren't, really.

[chat] Loseph: I probably would taste pretty good right now.

[chat] Zinnia: Stop trying to get me to argue about arguing!

[chat] Luc: Feeding your inner Wookie?  Making your own contribution to the
world's oxygen supply?

[chat] Schizo: I don't think anyone has figured out my gender yet..

And finally, mischan of the year
[chat] Luc: Wood ashes, that is.
> [chat] Deedee: so the residue left is lye, right?
[chat] Luc: Yeah. The fat (tallow, etc) is nothing more than an agent to dilute the lye and hold it together.
[chat] Xyrec: gently kisses ~Ikia on the shoulder, then moves up to the neck.
[chat] Xyrec: crap.
[chat] Zinnia: ROFL.
[chat] Luc: Interesting mischan, there.
[chat] Xyrec: god almighty.
[chat] Ratzo: good one.
[chat] Zinnia awards mischan of the year.
[chat] Deedee: helpsay Xyrec mudsex.
[chat] Xyrec marches off to kill himself.
[chat] Alice: just make sure you control yourself and don't do a mischan in about 10 minutes...
> [chat] Zinnia rolls on the floor laughing.
[chat] Deedee: lol.
[chat] Deedee: and we think Ratzo is bad? ROFL.
[chat] Deedee: did someone log that one for the archives?
[chat] Crimson raises her hand.
[chat] Xyrec: for any creators who may be watching in just to see what I'm up too, there will be no show, sorry.
[chat] Alice raises her hand too.
> [chat] Zinnia: Laugh.
[chat] Zinnia raises her hand too.
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