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Old 04-25-2006, 09:55 PM   #12
Join Date: Apr 2006
Posts: 159
Shane is on a distinguished road
Something that has also been proven beyond much debate is we were due for a heavier series of years of hurricanes due to natural phenomenon.

I don't doubt global warming. I do doubt modern sciences ability to gauge how much of it is natural and how much is related to man, but the bottom line is polution is polution and should be minimized. What I don't like is scare tactics. I also fail to understand how moral relativism even plays into this. People being tortured and killed and their bodies parted out for profit should not somehow be ignored in favor of trying to bring down oil companies who are basically guilty of buying and selling things.

This sort of thing is I believe precisely why the issue of global warming doesn't get the attention it deserves. It is almost always attached to a group of people whose values are so outside the comprehensible norm that it seems that no rational way forward will suffice. Things will be done as they have always been done, in increments, which priorities set in line with percieved importance.

That's just how life goes. I can't get myself that excited about it. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong but since I don't know any other people who are always right anyhow, I am willing to take a more moderated stance on the subject of global warming than I am on more immediate and obvious sorts of problems.

It's not as if Human Rights Watch is some sort of right wing operation or something.
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