Thread: RP Pet-peeves
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Old 02-09-2004, 03:36 AM   #20
Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 48
Kallekins is on a distinguished road
I'd think that gooseneck barnacles might do rather well on a furry considering certain aspects of their anatomy....*cough*
Anyway, my pet peeves. They aren't all very reasonable, but that's why they're pet peeves.
-doing things twice. You see this especially with sitting/standing and enter/exiting. The person does the regular command and then emotes it all fancy. I just read it and think, 'Twins!'
-combining simple emotes into one big emote. I think an emote should only be long if it is descriptive. Too often I see something like 'So and so picks up the glass, swirls the wine around, takes a long gulp, and wipes off his mouth on his sleeve.' That's like four actions. It should be four emotes.
-characters with totally uninteresting personalities and complex backstories.
-that know, she usually has red hair, and either green or violet eyes, is very slender, but with big boobs. She's very sweet natured and gentle, a natural healer. Oh, and there are two men in love with her, and they are bitter enemies--a terribly emotional situation which causes her to shed many an artful tear. You know that girl. There's like 5 on every mud.
-characters of a race or from an area/culture/dimension or having powers that are not part of the game.
-people who call me rp-snob (or worse) for refusing to accept their extra-dimensional backstory and mystical powers.
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