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Old 05-09-2006, 03:00 PM   #5
Join Date: Feb 2006
Posts: 44
Aarn is on a distinguished road
Carrion Fields has both age death and con death for our characters.  Both can happen sooner if you do some things really wrong, but for the most part characters seem to be around for 600-1000 hours tops of play time.  More frequently, however, people delete their characters closer to 400 or so hours it seems, when the character feels used up or they loose interest and move on.

The problem with your question, is that it depends ENTIRELY on the "pace" of the game.  Having a character since 1998 would seem absolutely absurd on CF.  Likewise, having a character for 1000 hours would probably still leave you a rookie on your MUD, if people are playing their characters over a ten-year period.  

Politics and quests happen on a time scale that is independent to each game.  Ours feels very nicely balanced out to me, and it's rare that a character dies of old age where the player wasn't beginning to feel like it was time to move on anyway.
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