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Old 02-07-2008, 11:59 AM   #4
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Re: PvP: Leveraging other, established, PvP systems

Thanks for your reply.

I'm aware of the interesting PvP system featured by GodwarsII. In fact it was by observing that one game that I started thinking about "pushing it all the way" towards a full board-game experience, and started wondering what could be the ideal kind of "system" that could be incorporated in a MMO.

Collectible Card Games were one of the first thoughts, as I see a lot of potential there: trading btw players, easily extendible game, possibility (if you ever want, of course) to make ppl pay for perks without distorting the gameplay, or making the player "gain" useful things (cards) by making him completing quests. And these are just the first that come to mind.

I think CCG are a very good candidate, but I think alsto they lack some of the features I'd like to see in a game, as they do not need the player to improve himself to play better (or maybe they do, but in a very limited way: improving is done by getting better cards), they are not very strategic (the building of the deck is the only strategic moment, while the rest of the play is almost all tactics). To make it short: I do not think they are very deep games, the kind that could engage players for years.

Chess (or Go, or others) on the other hand have very interesting features: they have rock solid gameplay, they are very deep, very strategic AND tactical, they are well known and much played worldwide, and provide always to every player room for personal improvement, but can be a little trickier to adapt to a MMO.

Mixing CCG and "traditional" BG could be interesting (as I mentioned in my previous post ), but this needs a lot of thinking and balancing, and the resulting dish could taste worse than the original ingredients.

While I'll keep on thinking about it, I'll take a look to ClandestineMUD, as I'm curious to see how you guys coped with the integration between the different parts of your MMO, and what are the mini-games players can play.
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