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Old 07-26-2006, 10:01 PM   #7
Posts: n/a
The SMAUG codebase already has the machinery for multi-caster spells built in (which, incidentally, can be built online with no coding whatsoever, thanks to the SMAUGSPELLS system), although very few SMAUG MUDs make use of it. On the SMAUG flagship MUD itself, various cleric spells were made multicaster, but they were rarely ever used, which sort of lends evidence toward what others are saying.

You might be interested in the magic system at GodWars II, although if it's like I remember, itll take a solid day of playing before you can access any of it. It's not that it's multicaster there, but I'd classify it as more subtle than most: rather than "cast fireball", you manually perform actions (snap fingers, point, clap hands, etc) which, performed in right combinations, invoke the magic.
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