Thread: Builders
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Old 05-31-2006, 02:55 AM   #1
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I had always thought it would be harder to find good coders than it would to find good builders, but apparently I was wrong. I had to tell a couple good coders that we will look at them again later, as we already have enough coders to accomplish our goals(and can't afford training time right now either). Builders on the other hand we just can't seem to find enough.

Why is this? I can think of a couple reasons.

1. We are going to be a commercial game, and some people may not want to offer their services to us for that reason. While we can't afford to pay anyone right now, not even ourselves, being a good volunteer is the only path to having a paying position and even their own game in the future. Of course, we will be giving those builders/coders that decide to be players Angelstone, our perk currency, in return for their work.

2. We're still in development, which means there is a risk(though I assure you it does not exist) that your work will never be seen. Another look at that same issue is that it will be a while before players get to enjoy your work, which I know from my own feelings does make it harder.

3. All the other muds got all the good ones already. Not much to be said there besides... bah.

So for those builders out there, what turns you off from working for a game?

For the other administrators, what types of things do you do to offer to help persuade builders to your cause?

We will accomplish our goals, but without some extra hands it just means delays that I would hate to see. We already have a fairly large group of people active on our forums, and I would hate to disappoint them with delays in release.
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