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Old 03-26-2012, 12:27 AM   #1
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meepo64 is on a distinguished road
Yet another looking for a mud request

I have been playing muds for a few months now and have jumped around to a variety of them.

What I have been looking for is a mud that does not rely on guilds, has plenty of quests, and has a robust crafting system. I am not opposed to guilds that are formed among players as a means of solidarity and offering help and perks. I just don't prefer the muds where they force/encourage membership in an established guild, which, in turn, dictates quite a bit about your character's development. I enjoy exploring the intricacies of the land around, crafting items, food, etc. to help in survival and a means of commerce, in a non-pvp environment.

I also enjoy quests, and a mud where talking to an npc to see if a quest/task is available does not become a frustrating long process of scouring help files, asking players who won't give you a solid answer for fear of spoilers, just to discover that it was an npc not designed to say anything! Simply easy...non-elusive mud where a character can feel at home and experience the adventure that a mud is.
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