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Old 06-17-2006, 12:45 PM   #2
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 108
Malifax is on a distinguished road
Inferno has everything you described, especially role-play and ongoing storylines. I'm not sure I'd say that combat is more player-dependent than skill-dependent, or that a person newly arrived in town is going to overpower and outspend someone who's been there for years. But everyone is starting from the beginning on July 9th when we reopen the game. It will be 100% free to play. The role-play is *TOP NOTCH* and there are always storylines ongoing. There will be multiple events every week run by live GMs and usually leading up to a large quest-scale events at their culminations. There will also be large events every month or two: auctions, gladitorial games, craft fairs, masquerade balls, "The Maze," etc. We take pride in the fact that players create the history of Inferno, whether it be good or bad. Your decisions and the actions you take determine the outcomes of events, quests and storylines. Nothing is predetermined.

*NOTE: "Quest" does not mean "automated auto-quest." We have our share of auto-quests, but when I say "quest" I mean a large-scale GM-run role-playing event that takes weeks for the staff to prepare and most times more than 12 hours for the players to "complete." (I quote complete because role-play never ends. Stories don't finish and go away. They become part of history, and you never know when they'll pop up again.)
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