Thread: RP Pet-peeves
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Old 02-06-2004, 05:34 PM   #3
Posts: n/a
I'd agree with you on treating typos as IC speech. Though I know where I play there are a few with accents. Anyway, the logic I understand for treating typos as IC has to do with the concept that we don't all speak perfectly. I've been known to pose 'character seens to struggle as he says, "blah" if I feel the need to go into that territory. I speak English daily (being in the US) and while I might cut myself off mid-word at times, saying my typos are suddenly IC is like saying that if I take a long time to respond to you because I'm a slow typer that my characters are all really slow.

I haven't experienced the advertising via tells.

Too much color, I can deal with a bit of color but I've never dealt with too much.

The Ask Around IC! Part I'm split about, like you probably are, Dazed. On one hand, I'm with you if it's something like 'where is the tavern I see everyone hanging out at?' While generating RP could be interesting for that, on the other hand, if there's no one around it kind of sucks. Public knowledge is something I'm more willing to not say that. If someone who's character is military asks 'what does this kind of gun do?' and it's rather common, there isn't an issue in answering. Where I would have a problem at is more sensitive info. Like 'When are the bad guys going in invade?' Generally I follow the rule of IC/OOC separation.

My own peeves?
*Slow posers who spend time chatting. I have no problem if you take your sweet time RPing, but if I see you haven't done anything for the 10 minutes it's been your turn to pose and you've been idle for 20 seconds or something and I see you chatting on public channels, I won't be real happy. That's disrespectful to those you're RPing with. If you want to chat, that's ok, but keep in mind you are RPing with others and the chatting can usually wait.

*Too much OOC chatter: While OOC chatter can be ok when it's just OOC friends RPing, it gets really annoying when there are 6 people there and there is constant OOC: Player waves. OOC: Waves back, and on and on for half a screen. If you want to chat between emotes/poses, use some other means to talk that doesn't spam all of us.

*People who always are idle, IC, and never seem to RP. These are worse than those who chat and RP and slow everyone else up. These are people that you try to RP with and they're like 'I'm idle/AFK.' A one time thing: No problem, things happen. If it's consistant, it just puts me in a bad mood.

*People who are extremely cliquish. A clique is cool, it's reliable RP for some people and it gets over the 'getting to know you' with everyone. However, some take it way too far, and only RP with those people. They hide away from any other interaction, and if they are out RPing with friends in a public area, you might as well not be there, because the acknowledgement is nonexistant.

*The above point goes into my next. Those who don't acknowledge other characters in any way at all. Perhaps your character won't interact with another for whatever reason. That's just fine. However, if they try to RP sitting/being somewhere and you don't even bother acknowledging it irritates me. If I pose 'Bob is sitting at a table near the door.' I don't expect everyone to talk to me, what I think would be nice is if someone might pose 'Bill walks into the building, past Bob as he heads elsewhere.' Sure, Bill isn't really interacting, that's fine, but he is acknowledging I am there, and existant, and that's good.

I don't come across these too often, but those are some of my personal issues that just grate on me.
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