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Old 11-01-2010, 01:34 AM   #7
Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 50
Elvarlyn is on a distinguished road
Re: Lithmeria - Builders Wanted

Hi all!

Work on building is coming along at a bristling pace, with entire areas being fully described every couple of days. This means that there are entire zones awaiting mobiles (creatures) of every kind of fill them! In order to meet this demand, we'd like to open recruitment to builders who want to help populate the world of Lithmeria with beasts of their own creation.

Who might this be right for?
- If you're someone who is interested in building but put off by the notion of describing hundreds of often near identical rooms, this is for you!
- If you're interested in building but would prefer to flesh out the concepts of others than come up with entire new zones, this is for you!

What's actually involved, bub?
You would choose one of the many fully described areas and read its lore file. Then, after a wander about to get a feel for the zone and the kind of rooms it has, you could just straight into building creatures for it.

I bet building monsters is really hard and requires lots of coding background, right?
In most other MUDs, sure! In Lithmeria, not even a little. These narrated videos explain why building monsters is as easy as pointing and clicking:

Do I have to have extensive building experience?
Though experienced builders are always welcome, we do not require that you have prior building experience to build for Lithmeria. Our building software is simple and accessible enough that anyone can do it. We do require that your English be of a reasonable standard and that you're dedicated and hard working when you can spare the time to be!

You never mentioned how to apply, doofus!

To try your hand with us, send "Cally" a private message on our with a sample monster or three. They can be anything you like as long as you include:

- Room Description
- Long Description
- Dead Description
- Long Dead Description
- Enter Message
- Exit Message

A very simple sample macaw is presented below (caw!):
Room Desc: A crimson macaw is perched here, larger than life.
Long Desc: Feathers a violent shade of crimson, this giant macaw stands out against the canopy. A hooked grey beak looks big enough to slice a limb clean off, whilst oddly dainty claws secure the bird to the canopy. The bright plumage is entirely red, except for a small patch of green on the tips of the wings. The bird is plump and healthy, not a feather out of place.
Dead Desc: A ball of bloody feathers, a $h giant macaw lays here.
Long Dead Desc: Feathers torn and plumage plundered, this once majestic macaw has been cruelly cut down by a foul assailant. Blood oozes from numerous wounds, already congealing.
Enter Msg: Flapping vigorously, a crimson macaw enters from the $d.
Exit Msg: Squawking incoherently, a massive macaw flaps to the $d.
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