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Old 06-28-2005, 08:00 PM   #1
Join Date: Jun 2002
Posts: 68
Ytrewtsu is on a distinguished road
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Adventures Unlimited is a Rom 2.4b6 based mud. We have been around for over 6 years and pride ourselves on having a nice mud that is fun to play. We have good staff members and a loyal playerbase. We are trying to attract more players and the following posting from a character named Sidoc is an example of the in depth roleplay that is available on AU.

Baron Sidoc Gritan is my main character on Adventures Unlimited. He is a halfling Tza'fiel (a temple rank) of Jirah, Goddess of Shadows, Seduction and Manipulation, and he is also a member of clan Sophism, created in their Goddess's name and for her purpose. I have had many great roleplaying experiences while playing Sidoc but I would like to share the most life-changing for him.

Long ago he was pursuing a pixie by the name of Alyda. He knew a lot about her, having watched her quietly and witnessed her loud outbursts. She had a very furious pixie rage. She belonged to the temple of Elbar, Elemental God of Storms and Chaos. The clan created in the God's name, Styrian, was not viewed to be on good terms with Sophism, as many of the two clan's members were fighting each other. Alyda first started out as a conquest for Sidoc, a way for him to take something from Styrian, as she was treasured by many of its members who considered her like a daughter.

However eventually his heart got in the way and he began to have feelings for her. One day while they sat and talked in the rain a storm began to rage in. They were both aware, or at least believed, that Elbar was not happy with their relationship, but they didn't care. Very quickly into the storm, a bolt of lightning came down and struck Sidoc, rendering him unconscious.

Alyda panicked and screamed, not knowing what to do. Her scream was heard by Elbereth, a quickling of Gedria, Mother Goddess and Protector of Innocents, who happened to be her adoptive father as well. He came quickly on foot and his friend, Yorkin the pixie, used a magical gate to arrive at the location. Alyda was frantic and tried to explain what had happened. As she did, shadows began to creep into the area, getting closer to Sidoc. The image began to create discomfort in the quickling and Yorkin, and they insisted they had to leave quickly. Alyda told them that Sidoc should be returned to the temple of Jirah, as that's where the shadows probably wanted him to go.

So Elbereth picked up Sidoc and Alyda and carried them back to the town of Naerlan, where all the major temples are. The four of them arrived, and Elbereth dropped Sidoc at the temple gate. They waited quietly as Alyda sat down next to Sidoc and cried about not wanting to lose him. As they waited, the shadows, now stronger, began to creep in closer to Sidoc and Alyda, whispering strange words that were only understood by the person they were addressed to. The shadows spoke to Alyda and said, "We will take care of him... We will take care of you both..." A shadowy hand caressed her hair and Elbereth struck with his dagger, frightening Alyda as the blade nearly grazed her own skin. The darkness hissed and then engulfed Sidoc, making him disappear and leaving Alyda alone on the floor.

From the darkness, Sidoc awoke instantly, aware of what was happening, and he watched from within the darkness. Alyda screamed in heartache as she realized he was gone and then stood up, threw down the lightning bolt pendant that identified her as a follower of Elbar, retrieved a shadow symbol from the temple templar, and hurried down the steps into the darkness. Elbereth looked shocked, as did Yorkin. Sidoc watched from the darkness as they left and returned shortly with a small magically charmed army and proceeded to invade the temple to 'save' Alyda from the shadows. Sidoc returned to Alyda and comforted her, acting surprised that she was now a follower of Jirah. The invasion was short and ended with Sidoc and the temple being victorious.

Alyda is still a follower of Jirah and lives with Sidoc in the great house he built for her and their family. He cares for her deeply, more than he should, but he is still able to keep the clan and temple happy, as well as Alyda.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post and please consider Adventures Unlimited when you are looking for a new mud or another place to spend your time.

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