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Old 04-17-2004, 03:36 PM   #62
Posts: n/a
I find it amusing that Armeggedon web pages explain that they are a MURPE.  And I distinctly remember playing on a game called Threshold that was called a MURPE and Armeggedon wasn't.   None of that matters.  You can call it what you want.  

I think that's the point.  "We own the term RPI and it means this, don't use it."

To which the only sane and rational response is...

And it's doubly amusing that there has to be sides, battle lines, and hidden
secret agendas.  You'd think this was one of those tin foil hat sites.  Not
that there's anything wrong with tin foil, maybe sometimes with the folks who
wear it.  

I agree with Aristotle.  I disagree with KaVir.
Big deal.  Next time it might be the other way around. *shrug*

Oh yeah I have a hidden agenda too.  I want to fool all the Armeggedon
players into migrating to Harshlands, all the Harshland players into
migrating to Dartmud, all the Dartmud players into migrating to Threshold
and all the Threshold players into migrating to Armegeddon.  That's
step one of the master plan.  And then in the midst of the confusion I
release a game that has an 12-letter acronym associated with it that's
really fun to say, except in front of mom.  Finally I harvest all these
confused players, and feed the implementors of the aforementioned muds
to sharks.. err maybe crocodiles.  There are others involved too.  Maybe
Achaea, Aardwolf, Medievia, maybe both KaVir and Aristotle, maybe Wolfpaw
and Kyndig, maybe IMC2/ICEMAN/I3 networks are involved, there's plots
within plots and double agents, triple agents.  Watch the right hand, and
pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.  Maybe none of this is
true. Maybe Bill Gates is in on it with SCO and Linus Torvalds.  
Who knows... The truth is out there.  Where the smoking man?

Had enough babble?  Yeah, I agree me too.
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