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Old 06-30-2002, 04:51 PM   #15
Neranz Laverani
Join Date: Apr 2002
Location: The States
Posts: 116
Neranz Laverani is on a distinguished road
The quote below from an earlier post made it seem like you didn't want to give builders DG Scripts at all:

There is no reason to keep DG Scripts from builders that have an assigned area on a builders port.


I plan the area, make the backbone of the area (rooms with sector types, exits, etc, but no descriptions), then I make the room descriptions, mobs, objects, shops, scripts and loads room by room. It is easier, in my opinion, to make everything at once instead of revisiting each room five times just for the rough draft. There are many different approaches that "sensible" builders take. It might be helpful for you to query the building community and find some more ideas outside your own of what are "sensible" methods to building.

I can imagine that you are frazzled from the lack of builders. Perhaps you are writing in the heat of the moment. Your posts, however, display four things that could drive builders away during interviews:

Builders dont need DG Scripts (before rebuttal)
Builders just want to cheat and mess around
There is only one sensible method of building that builders must use to be a quality builder (could infer that they have to build that way)
Builders are limited to a strict theme (acceptable if known in advance, one more thing against tally though)

In general, it just seems like you neither like nor trust builders. It is difficult to tell in text if this is the way that you feel or if that insinuation was unintentional. Whichever the case though, if you are as coarse in interviews as you are here, you may be driving quality builders away.

Much like builders benefit from planning areas, administrators benefit from planning interviews. Write out what is important to you and compile a list of questions and tests before interviews. Some people just come across too rough too wing it. I will freely admit to being one of those people. From reading your posts, I think you may be too. This could be part of your problem in hiring builders.

Neranz Laverani, Seeker of Knowledge
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