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Old 02-01-2003, 08:18 PM   #2
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Plymouth, Indiana USA
Posts: 30
TG_Hammar is on a distinguished road
This group would have to meet secretly in a very remote area such as the Black Hills, Hills of Kintara or even Haddon Mirk.

Other than their meetings, that would likely be a date set in advance, this group would never likely meet or group together so as to avoid notice. Male channelers are feared so much that any man acting strange could be suspect, hence why it is mentioned in the books that the Red Ajah had taken custody and tried to shield/gentle men who could not even channel (ie. Elyas).

My suggestion would be to have their group meet secretly in isolated places like I mentioned but otherwise have no contact with each other, very similar to the meetings of lower Darkfriend circles.

As a side note: I once RP'd on a MUD with a group of people following a false Dragon who could channel. We kept every meeting secret until he proclaimed himself and we began our attacks. Was some very fun RP (we even RP'd with mobs at one point) but the most fun was had when we were caught between the Children of the Light and the Red Ajah and ended with us all dead. Even though my character died, I loved the RP we had and would do it again anytime.
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