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Old 07-17-2008, 08:23 AM   #5
Posts: n/a
Re: Characters on an RPI - Memories?

There is always an issue with the abilities of a character being far different from the abilities of the player. Perhaps my character loses out on a job because they cannot cook, while I, as a real human, am a very good cook. Should I demand that the RPI take 'my' abilities into account when I am role-playing and give my character the job anyway? No one expects that to happen, but I agree, that just because 'you' were half asleep, does not mean your character was. If a player logs on drunk, and kills half of a village, should the entire sector of the game be ret-con and everyone resurrected? No, because staff expect players in the game to take responsibility for their own actions. The staff have no way of knowing if you simply forgot, or if you meant to suicide your character, then changed your mind.

As for your suggestion on 'memory code', such things are available in some muds. SOI has a 'journal' that players are free to use to record information that staff can access. Many players use it to record additional character background, explain long term plans and personal plots, or use it as a memory-minder. Many H&S games allow triggers, so you could set up one that includes logging on, getting dressed and heading to the tavern, and only use a couple key strokes. However, RPIs traditionally expect players to actually 'play' the game and do not allow triggers.

Losing a character sucks, but maybe next time you will be take a little more time and pay attention to what you are doing. The end result will be a richer, and more rewarding game play experience.
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