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Old 04-19-2005, 05:53 PM   #23
Posts: n/a
It's certainly greek to a newbie non-programmer. Newbie friendly languages are notable for their readability.

Hmm I've never heard of K. It's quite terse.

In Ruby I came up with this:
def hex(x)
f = lambda {|n,r,a|,r,a) if n>15;r<<a[n%16]},"","0123456789ABCDEF")

I'm not sure that lambda and continuations, are what I'd call newbie friendly features though one could certainly grow in languages that have them rather than abandoning the language later. I can't imagine that the uninitiated would take to such constructs as fish to water without a lot of repeated beatings. OTOH sequential procedural thinking is quite natural for most humans.

Odd that they would use that earlier posted MOO routine as I had thought MOO supported hex specifiers in formatted printing, but maybe I'm thinking of ColdC.

BTW, what do you think of Groovy?
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