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Old 08-11-2005, 06:17 PM   #37
Posts: n/a
Pardon this, but I'm going to address several parties here...

Jazuela,  I've actually played SoI as well as an IRE game and I can see what you mean (with the former) about roleplay being a strict requirement.  Without flaming anyone, you definately get a sense of what the limits are for asking IC and OOC information and it was a shock having never been in a RP-intensive environment like that before.  I do think that perhaps there are ways of incorporating more custom emotes as a player and relying less on the game's standards if you want to encourage roleplay, but, as other threads have previously discussed, you don't want to go overly flowery.  Perhaps that's a start in the right direction.

To Daedroth and Ilkidarious, aren't most MUDS just a reflection of real-life set in a fantasy world?  If you "feel worthless", Ilkidarios, remember one bright lady said "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."  (Eleanor Roosevelt).  In my own roleplaying experiences everyone starts at that bottom rung and working your way up to prominence is part of the "fun" (as well as dying repeatedly and occasionally cursing the gods for stupid restrictions on player killing).

Finally, to the Logos...
Your reputation preceeds you and I admit I've got to give credence to your suggestion about a reward system.  I think what you're suggesting about "roleplaying interaction and activities where non-roleplayers won't have fun" (paraphrase) would work assuming the player in question was of some prominence.  

From what I've personally experienced, to really work over change, or activate NPC's, you're talking more along the lines of a divine or administrative role.  While I agree gods/admins play a HUGE  part in the direction of where a land heads, the majority still falls on the side of the common man, so...I *think* chances fall on our side of success for making a difference despite admins.  

Any continued ideas are most welcome...thank you all for the prompt and informative replies and excuse my ramblings!
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