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Old 01-17-2006, 02:17 PM   #117
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Join Date: Oct 2002
Posts: 310
shadowfyr will become famous soon enough
Umm.. First sentence there makes no sense to me. How?!? If you get in game benefits for paying money, how the %@$%# is that not commercial?

The second one makes even less sense, because a) most places are ending free broadcasting, if not already, then soon, and some of the money you pay to the cable company goes to the networks and b) the networks never the less recieve money from *someone* to keep running, even if it doesn't come out of my own personal pocket (though it does, since the advertising is designed to make me buy stuff I didn't previously know about, from companies I would have never otherwise done business with). I seriously doubt anyone anyplace agrees that TV networks are not commercial entities, or that 90% of the people that watch them can or do get them for free. But even if you stretched it to that extreme, how the heck does sponsorship even equate to pay-to-play? Never mind the obvious question of just how many major corporations you are going to find giving money to MU*s to sell cans of fake Pepsi in the game or place billboard on the roads between the cities. Well? Which ones do that, so we know which category to put them in? lol This is at best a strawman argument against doing anything, not a valid example of what anyone is going to see some place. At worst, it would require category 1 to become:

1. Non-Commerical
A. Completely free to play.
B. Completely free to play. Corporate sponsered.

Its obsurd.

Now, had you suggested that someone might run a pay-to-play mud as a charity, with all except basic maintainence costs going to that, then you might have a point, and would have to add "C. Charity based, may require some payment to play. See sub-category", to the 1 class. Or in other words, something like, "1CA". Gosh! That was just too hard to figure out....
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