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Old 10-28-2005, 08:36 PM   #8
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 23
Sacac is on a distinguished road
If Armageddon was a man, I'd skrew it. Seriously.
Why? Because of 4 things, mainly.
I’ve spent hours in this room(In A city-state called Allanak, main tavern for us not so rich Player-controlled Characters), doing everything from kicking some bastard half-elf’s ass, drinking myself stupid, getting assassinated, talking my way into my own 2 inch deep hole (when a templar found out about what I said), I’ve sold illegal #### in there, met friends, made enemies, having sex in one of the rooms, cooking me up some grub (in this case roots, those sick little things called “travel cakes,” and any of the various meats/scrab heads).

I can buy booze, prostitutes, friends, and anything else I can’t think of right now.

No annoying NPC always saying “Extra! Extra! Get your next quest here because there is nothing else to do, unless you want to kill me! Go for it, I have maxxed skills! Get 800 EXP!”

And there is sooooo much RP history in this place it makes me drool. Seriously, I’m about to drown, I’ve been drooling so much.

The Gladiator and the Gaj Tavern -- Main Room [NES]
  This common room composes the bulk of the Gladiator and the Gaj Tavern, a bustling establishment founded in the Year of Suk-Krath's Defiance of the 19th age.  A cacophony of sounds fills the inn, from the busy murmur of the many merchants that frequent the location to the  howling of the crowd, greeting the arriving news of the latest arena  fight, to the drunken whine of the hundreds of commonfolk that have made the place famous.  Stout wooden beams support the paneled roof of the room, each bearing many drawings carved by the patrons of the tavern. An agafari-wood bar dominates the western side of the room, the shelves behind it supporting the weight of many alcoholic beverages.  Wood and stone tables with matching chairs are strewn all over the chamber in clusters as to allow waiters and waitresses to circulate with ease.  A raised platform has been erected in the northeastern corner for the messengers and hawkers hired by the establishment that relay the latest news from the arena.  
  To the north, a scarred tarp of carru hides leads out onto the busy Caravan Way.  Flickering yellow and orange light spills out from the southern room of the tavern, where the meals are prepared and where travelers may roast their raw meat for free.  Eastwards lays the public sleeping area, while a door lies behind the bar, most likely a back room.
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