Thread: looking for mud
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Old 12-31-2002, 10:09 PM   #8
Join Date: Sep 2002
Location: Canada
Posts: 73
jornel is on a distinguished road
Hi, n_verto

We are still a fairly new mud.

You begin as one of the four basic classes: fighter, mage, cleric, rogue.  At level 20 you specialize into a subclass - druid, paladin, elementalist, etc. - we have about 20 classes in all, but *ahem* a handful of them are still being tweaked.

We do not allow pkill or psteal of any kind.

We encourage rp, but realize it is may not always be possible due to small pbase size (about 10-20 players off and on).

We don't crash. (well, hardly ever!)  The code is maintained by me personally and I'm pretty aggressive at fixing code bugs and other builder bugs.  Perhaps it explains why I'm slightly less friendly than the other imms we have :)

We offer many features that don't exist in standard SMAUG, like a RECALL command for lowbies, and also a PRAY that gets you out of many situations (at a cost) but you have to discover some of the other features on your own.

If you are curious, we are not looking for any builders or coders at this time, nor are we fond of 'players' who just want to be immortals.  We are focussing on increasing our actual player base.

If this sounds good to you, drop by.  Our imms are usually on 7-11pm EST but feel free to explore on your own.  HELP MAP is a useful command.
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